Seminar “Know Your Why”

Civil Engineering Department and Institute of Environmental Engineering & Research in collaboration with FAIDA Foundation arranged a seminar titled “Know Your Why”. The event was held on Wednesday, 8th May 2024 in the Transportation Seminar Hall at 11:00 am. Prof. Dr. Khalid Farooq, Dean Faculty of Civil Engineering gave opening remarks and presented a bouquet to the guest.
Our guest speaker for the event was Mr. Bilal Ahmed. He is the Executive Director of the FAIDA Foundation. He has successfully conducted more than 500 sessions across Pakistan on topics such as Capacity Building, Students Social Responsibility, and Think Big, etc.
The guests explained how we can find the purpose of our lives and what steps may be taken to achieve it. He also shared several examples of high achievers from history as an inspiration for the students. In the end, Prof. Dr. Noor Muhammad Khan gave concluding remarks and presented a shield to the guest.
Faculty members and a large number of students attended the seminar.