5th Engineering Capstone Expo-2024 (Punjab)

On February 19, 2024, the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) orchestrated a momentous event, the 5th Engineering Capstone Expo-2024 (Punjab), hosted at the esteemed PEC Regional Office in Lahore. This exclusive gathering served as a beacon for showcasing the culmination of academic excellence and practical engineering prowess. Gathering participants from 29 distinguished universities and institutes, the Expo spotlighted 170 pioneering design projects meticulously selected for their alignment with contemporary industry demands. Under the meticulous scrutiny of a seasoned three-member jury, these projects underwent rigorous evaluation against a comprehensive rubric, underscoring their potential impact and innovation.

Highlighting the pinnacle of achievement, the coveted first prize was awarded to a distinguished Final Year Design Project (FYDP) from the Civil Engineering Department, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore. Under the guidance of esteemed advisor Dr. Muhammad Irfan Ul Hassan, their project exemplified excellence and innovation in addressing contemporary challenges. The title of this project was “Low-cost housing solutions“.

Under the leadership of Dr. Khalid Farooq, Chairman of the Civil Engineering Department, the department extends heartfelt congratulations to the distinguished winning team for their outstanding achievements at the CAPSTONE EXPO Punjab. Their exceptional accomplishments not only mirror their unwavering commitment but also underscore the indispensable role of hands-on learning encounters in sculpting the capabilities of the engineers of tomorrow.

The remarkable achievements of the Civil Engineering Department students at the CAPSTONE EXPO Punjab stand as a testament to their unparalleled ingenuity, creative prowess, and unwavering dedication in revolutionizing civil engineering solutions for cost-effective and resilient construction endeavors. This triumphant milestone not only underscores the department’s unwavering pursuit of academic excellence but also cements the university’s distinguished reputation as a trailblazer in engineering education and research. Such remarkable strides serve as a guiding light for future generations, instilling in them the drive to aspire for greatness and spearhead impactful contributions toward the advancement of society.


Project Portfolio: