Engineering Capstone Expo 2022 was held on September 19, 2022 at Faletti’s Hotel Lahore organized by Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) for showcasing Final Year Design Projects in which 40 Engineering Institutions all over the Punjab participated with a total of 173 projects in all the disciplines and 29 projects of Civil Engineering Discipline including eight projects from Civil Engineering Department (CED), UET Lahore Main Campus. All the projects were evaluated by a three members Jury based on a comprehensive set of rubrics. It is a matter of immense pleasure that in the category of Civil Engineering Discipline, 1st and 2ndPositions were won by FYP groups of Civil Engineering Department UET Lahore. For Winner and Runner up projects, cash prizes worth 125K and 100K, respectively were awarded by the Chairman, Pakistan Engineering Council. The Chairman Civil Engineering Department, Prof. Dr. Khalid Farooq, received the prizes on behalf of the winning groups.
Engineering Capstone Expo 2022